
  • Gregorius Andika Ariwibowo Pusat Riset Kewilayahan, Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional



Spice route, Pepper, Sultanete of Banten, East Indies Company, Jayakarta, Batavia




The port of Banten in the early 17th century was widely known as a center for trading spices and other exotic
products such as aromatic wood, cotton, and sugar. The presence of the British Merchants, which almost coincided
with the beginning of the trade domination carried out by the Dutch Merchants, then led to a conflict between the
two. This condition also influenced political stability in Banten, which had been fragile since the end of the 16th
century. This study is a literature review from previous publications regarding the Sultanate of Banten in the early
17th century. The literature discussed in this study mostly comes from compiled and written sources derived from
manuscripts and documentation of British traders regarding Banten in the early 17th century. Banten’s complexities
as a cosmopolitan city that became a meeting place for foreign traders were limited to the exchange of culture
and knowledge and the arena of the struggle for power and trade hegemony. This is an intriguing series of events
regarding the early traces of colonialism in Indonesia. The events led to the establishment of the City of Batavia
and the Dutch trading fleet’s dominance in the East Indies


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