
  • Muhammad Nur Prabowo Setyabudi



Keywords: tolerance, Tengger, Ngadas, Islam, custom.


This article discusses the dynamics of tolerance of the Tenggerese people in Ngadas Malang, East Java, especially those carried out by the Muslim Tenggerese group. The author uses the theory of tolerance based on the critical paradigm to unravel and analyze the practice of tolerance among the Tenggerese. The influence of Islamization and the government's religious politics had changed the face of the Tenggerese in Ngadas to be more heterogeneous: “one custom, three religions”, and a “golden triangle” relationship exists between Islam, Buddhism, and Hinduism. In the midst of their heterogeneity, the Muslim Tenggerese still maintain a culture of tolerance, both religious tolerance related to their response to the religious diversity, and cultural one, related to the response to the cultural traditions and local wisdom. Both run dynamically, along with the social changes due to the process of the "Islamization" on the one hand and "Tenggerization" on the other. In general, the interaction of the Tengger Muslim community reflects "co-existential tolerance". However, coexistence in the context of cultural tolerance is not more stable than the religious one.


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