
  • Rusydan Fathy P2KK
  • Gumilar Rusliwa Somantri
  • Henny Warsilah




global city, space, informal economy, kampong


Information and communication technology has impacted on the transformation and dynamics of cities in the
world, represents by Global city and smart city. Conceptually, it is important to generate narratives at the local
level into the global discourse. This research uses a sociological perspective to elaborate on the existence of the
kampongs and the informal economy as a space for production, contestation, and negotiation of local aspects in
the context of a global city and smart city. In this research, kampong is a case study. Theoretically, this research
enrich the study of urban sociology to understand space production at the local level as an alternative narrative in
the global city and smart city discourse. Specifically and practically, this research offers ideas about the importance
of revitalizing the kampongs economy through smart city implementation.


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