(Paska terbitnya Undang-Undang No 13 Tahun 2012 Tentang Keistimewaan Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta)


  • Maulida Illiyani LIPI




Special Region of Yogyakarta, Sultan Ground, Pakualaman Ground, Land Rights.


The long history, strong culture and services of the Sultanate in the independence process are the main reasons why Yogyakarta is designated as a special region. There are five things regulated in the Privileges Law, one of which is land. The thing that is then interesting to study is how actually land arrangements in DIY (Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta) are. This paper was written using two sources, namely interviews and literature studies. Normatively, land regulation in DIY was derived in Perdais No.2 / 2017. With the sultan's big ambition to put in order and carry out a re-inventory which was claimed based on the Dutch heritage map. There are 13,226 lands in Sultan Ground and Pakualaman Ground which are targeted to be completed in the inventory by 2024. In contrast to other regions, there are three land regulatory agencies in Yogyakarta. Department of Land and City Spatial Planning, Panitikismo, and the National Land Agency. There have been several land conflicts in the implementation of the Sultanate Land control policy. Village land claims are part of the sultanate land. Eviction of traders in order to control the Sultan ground and non-native Chinese citizens are not allowed to own land in Yogyakarta. Based on the explanation above, the privileges of land management in fact still cause conflicts with the community and even the village government. So, this paper is interesting to discuss, because it raises a discourse that is included in the sacred realm of an established authority in Yogyakarta.


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