
  • Yeni Rosdianti Researcher of The National Commission on Human Rights Republic of Indonesia




Tak dapat dipungkiri bahwa selama ini penyandang disabilitas kerap mengalami diskriminasi pada aneka bidang kehidupannya. Kenyataan ini secara umum terjadi akibat stereotype dan stigmatisasi di tengah masyarakat yang maujud dalam bentuk pandangan yang keliru tentang penyandang disabilitas. Prinsip kesetaraan (equality) dan nondiskriminasi sebagai prinsip dasar Hak Asasi Manusia menjadi landasan pijak dalam menghormati hak-hak penyandang disabilitas. Prinsip kesetaraan, dalam arti kesetaraan substantif (substantive equality model), mengandung makna kesetaraan yang memberikan ruang bagi penyandang disabilitas untuk beroleh kesempatan yang sama dengan non-disabilitas pada seluruh lapangan kehidupan. Konsep Kesetaraan substantive ini mendorong dibuatnya langkah-langkah positif (positive measures) yang menekankan pada akomodasi kekhasan yang ada untuk menyingkirkan rintangan (removing barriers) yang selama ini dihadapi. Hingga para penyandang disabilitas sejalan dengan martabat yang melekat, terpenuhi hak-haknya, dan untuk dapat berkontribusi di tengah-tengah masyarakat sesuai dengan pengembangan potensinya masing-masing, sebagai bagian tak terpisahkan dari masyarakat. Kata kunci: penyandang disabilitas, langkah-langkah positif, kesetaraan, hak asasi manusia Persons with disabilities have mostly been experienced a long history of discrimination, exclusion, deprived of liberty, and even dehumanization. A sequence of various stigmatisation and stereotype concerning disability were taken into account. They have been suffered from discrimination on both direct and indirect ways. It was a social model of disability which subsequently led to human rights based approach of disability; appoint a new horizon to perceive disability within a comprehensive pathway in the society as a whole. It comes from human rights values which accented on equality and non-discrimination as the main principles of human rights. Equality in terms of substantive equality model drives its robust landscape of disability in light of protection and fulfilment of the rights of persons with disabilities as disadvantaged group, toward the uttermost participation in the society. Substantive equality is the notion of worth and benevolence. It is sustain to conferring the positive measures as a means to achieve the genuine equality of persons with disabilities, as well as a driving force to make their rights real. Keywords: Persons with Disabilities; Positive Measures; Equality; Human Rights


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