art collective, becoming-collective, distant reading, alternative space, commoningAbstract
Art collective is a form of artistic subjectivity that has become increasingly common in Indonesian urban
landscape in the last two decades. By focusing on seven collectives (Gudskul, ruangrupa, Forum Lenteng, Serrum,
Graphic Huru Hara, Gardu House and Cut and Rescue), this article is a mapping of the discursive evolution on
art collectives in Jakarta during 2000 – 2022. The method used were distant reading and social network analysis
of the interactions of these art collectives on social media (Twitter and Instagram) as well as a number of journals
and books they publish. Social network analysis were applied to examine the pattern of mentions between social
media accounts in discussing art collective issues. Distant reading were also applied to the posts of these accounts,
the various journals, and books published collectively. Through these method, three main things were found: 1)
the emergence of art collectives in Jakarta in the early 2000s was not accompanied by a conscious consolidation
of collectivities based on multiplicities, but rather on individuality, 2) the shift of focus from “alternative spaces”
to “ collective” and “lumbung” (the commons) emerged from the need for network consolidation and communal
resource management, and 3) the focus on “lumbung” led to a return to a number of traditional features of sanggar
and a more programmatic conception of art
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