Bregada Soldier, Surakarta Castle, Function shifting, TourismAbstract
Bregada Surakarta palace is a military army that functions as a defence, security, and army of the Surakarta
palace during colonialism in Indonesia. Bregada of the keraton Surakarta always experienced a shift in function
in the post-independence period, especially during the leadership of King Paku Buwono XII. Although there has
been a shift in function, the Surakarta palace troop still exists. This study aims to describe the process of shifting
the function of the Surakarta palace warrior brigade. This research data uses literature review from historical
records and ancient manuscripts and in-depth interviews with key informants. Based on the study results, the type
of unit and the composition of the Surakarta Palace warrior brigade constantly changed from era to era. The
brigades currently owned by the Surakarta Palace are the Music Corps, Tamtama, Jayeng Astra, Prawira Anom,
Sarageni, Darapati, Jayasura, Baki, and Nyutra or Panyutra. The shift in the main functions of the Surakarta
Palace Troops, as seen from the functions of the armed forces, defence and security, turned into traditional and
cultural activities, mainly referring to their functions as performers of performing arts and tourism activists. Paku
Buwono XIII, as a customary holder and successor to the previous king of the Surakarta palace, had a policy
towards the sustainability of the Surakarta palace troupe. These policies include, among others, as a form of
cultural preservation and adding to the activities of a soldier’s parade for the advancement of tourism in the city
of Solo, Central Java.
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