The The Perfumery Spices of Dayak Land and Its Trade in the Nineteenth Century


  • Dana Listiana Balai Pelestarian Nilai Budaya Provinsi Kalimantan Barat



agarwood and wild cinnamon, spices, endemic, perfumery, aromatic woods, Dayak


The study of spices in Kalimantan area tends to focus on pepper, a commodity that can be said to introduce
this island as a ‘pepper country’ to the wider world in the maps made by European explorers. In fact, other
commodities, such as garu (agarwood) and sintok (wild cinnamon), have also been traded long before pepper.
As a commodity, the two endemic fragrances that grow naturally in the forest certainly have different effects on
the community than the cultivated pepper. How the mutual influence that binds between the community and the
environment in the perfume trade is the focus that will be revealed using the historical method with an environmental
history approach. Thus, the environment becomes an aspect that is also discussed in changing people’s lives. This
is different from the study of pepper which focuses more on the political-economic aspects. The results showed
that the production and trade system of perfumery spices is engaged with the values, traditions, and rules of the
local forester of Dayak as the main actors, both as individuals and groups


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Buku terjemahan

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