
  • Fabio Yehezkiel Lasut Universitas Sam Ratulangi




Transcendent Theory of Consciousness, Transcendental Communication, Kampetan, Belief System, Minahasa


Minahasa ethnic group has a tradition of transcendental communication called kampetan. Kampetan is a transcendental communication in practice, which is believed to be able to summon ancestral spirits to merge into the body of the rite practitioner and then have a divine conversation. In the midst of today’s progress, kampetan is still practiced in a rite by a group of people in Minahasa. This study aims to describe the pattern of transcendental communication within the campetan, as well as its meaning and benefits for the Minahasa ethnic group. Through a phenomenological approach, researchers describe the pattern of transcendental communication in the campaign that occurs in two forms. First, humans act as a source of conveying messages in a rite to God who acts as the recipient of the message. Second, God, who has been pleased with the rites of passage, allows the ancestral spirits to merge into the bodies of the rite practitioners and convey messages to those attending the rites. The researcher found an emic view that kampetan is an effort to bring oneself closer to God’s will and to remember the life and way of life of the Minahasa ancestors.


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