
  • Safuwan Amin Universitas Malikussaleh
  • Ella Suzanna




Psychological well-being , altruistic behavior , Islamic values, Acehnese community reality


Well-being as a psychological construct that has multiple interpretations according to the context of the social, cultural, or religious beliefs of each individual/society in this world is an interesting study in the reality of psychological studies. This study aims to explore the well being construct of altruistic behavior in the aspects of knowledge, appreciation, and realization of citizens’ behavior in the reality of Aceh by taking a sample of residents of North Aceh, Aceh Province. This study was designed qualitatively with a thematic analysis model. The participants were chosen using random sampling. The research findings provide information that in the knowledge aspect, participants perceive well-being as a goal according to their religious beliefs. Likewise, the record of the appreciation and meaning of well-being also follows their religious beliefs. Based on the aforementioned, the realization/tendency of behavior is based on the uptake of their religious doctrines, prioritizing virtue in all aspects, including cultural practices/traditions that prevail in the surrounding social reality.


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