
  • Sindi Pratika Mahasiswa IKK 54
  • Annisa Sriayuning Megawati mahasiswa IKK
  • Ilham Rizkia Maulana mahasiswa SKPM



industry 4.0, modern values, repositioning, society 5.0 values, Sundanese values


The industrial revolution 4.0 has great potential benefits for human life but still cannot be utilized optimally. On the other hand, the concept of society 5.0 focuses on a human-centered and technology-based society already developed partially. The transition from the industrial revolution 4.0 to society 5.0 certainly affected the lives of Indonesian society, including Sundanese society. According to modern values, the values of Sundanese traditional that is needed to be maintained on the transition from the industrial revolution 4.0 to society 5.0 is interesting to explore. This research aims to understand the existence of traditional Sundanese values, identify the inclusion of traditional Sundanese values between young and old in their interaction with modern values, and analyze the repositioning of Sundanese people in synergizing modern values to traditional values from industrial revolution 4.0 to society 5.0. The study is secondary research with a literature review from 23 with relevant keyword-based selected journals. The result is that the modern value of the industrial revolution 4.0 embraced by the younger generation does not conform to the traditional Sundanese values held by the older generation thus leading to the inclusion of different traditional Sundanese values and threatening the existence of traditional Sundanese values. The result also indicates that the transitioning from industrial revolution 4.0 to society 5.0 needs repositioning of Sundanese traditional values that able to synergize or collaborate with modern values towards society 5.0.


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