
  • Ricky Aptifive Manik Kantor Bahasa Jambi



pelacur, dekonstruksi, makna, cerpen


Prostitutes often get a negative meaning, not only in their profession but also in their identity markers. This stigma has put them in a low hierarchy compared to other professions as their opposite meaning. This research aims to find out various binary oppositions related to prostitute, dominant logic, and meaning invention of prostitute  in a collection of short stories of Atas Nama Malam of Seno Gumira Ajidarma. The problem in this study is what is binary opposition, the dominant logic in the text and how the invention of the meaning of the prostitute after being deconstructed in SGA’s short stories. This study used Derrida's deconstruction method with a comprehensive reading strategy in searching for binary oppositions of prostitute. Reconstruction of the text was also carried out to find the dominant logic contained in the text, including the interpretation of other assumptions to then be distorted from the hierarchical structure of the binary oppositions, that is finding the invention of meaning. This study found that there were seven binary oppositions of  prostitute, namely a man, morning/afternoon worker, doctor, teacher, official wife, murderer, and harmonious family shaper. The meaning of prostitute finds  its invention as the people who are responsible for her family, helper/hero, honest, and victim.


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